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What is the global cryptocurrency market cap today?

The global cryptocurrency market cap today is $2.6 Trillion, a 1.0% change in the last 24 hours. Read more View top cryptocurrency prices live, crypto charts, market cap, and trading volume. Discover today’s new and trending coins, top crypto gainers and losers in the market.

What is the market cap of a coin?

How much money it has raised and what its market cap is: The market cap is the total number of coins in circulation multiplied by the price of the coin. It gives you a good idea of how volatile the coin might be, and how much influence larger players might have on the price.

What's new on CoinMarketCap?

Now, CoinMarketCap users that want to see the total value locked, reward types and return on investment (ROI) for yield farm projects can do so in one place — we’ve even included an impermanent loss calculator to help you calculate the temporary loss of funds that liquidity providers sometimes experience because of trading pair volatility.

Die weltweit führende Krypto-Handelsplattform

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